Texas Holdem Tournament Rules Home

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Aside from poker acumen, what do you need to host a successful Hold 'em tournament? First, know the law. Most U.S. states allow home tournaments as long as you don't profit off the gig. Check out local laws beforehand -- after all, a police raid ruins a good time.

Next, you need equipment; you don't have to spend a lot but if you'll be hosting tournaments on a regular basis, you may want to buy authentic supplies. Here's a checklist:


In limit events, there is usually a limit to the number of raises, usually the limit is 3 raises. Sometimes, when the hand only has 2 players left, then there is unlimited raising. If it is no-limit then there is never a limit to the number of raises.

  1. For a home tournament, many people preferred an evenly spread prize payout. One example is 50/30/20, spread among the top three winners; more winners equals more fun.
  2. (In Texas Hold'em, you build a hand with two hole cards and three community cards) Card Game Rules Texas Hold’em Poker is a casino type game where the objective is to win the best hand out of a group of players. Players are initially given two cards, called “hole” cards, that they hold throughout the game (hence the name). They then try to make the best five card hand out of their.
  3. HomePokerTourney.com is the internet's best source for poker rules including Robert's Rules of Poker, dealer errors, and my own poker tournament rules. I have instructions on how to deal Texas Hold'em and help with button placement, betting, raising and all-in bets.
  4. In Texas Hold’Em the action is started by making the two players to the left of the dealer put in a forced bet, called a “blind” before the deal. It's called a blind because you haven't seen a card when you put in this bet - you're going in without seeing, or blind.



  • Two decks of cards per table
  • Tables seating 8-10 players each
  • Poker chips and a dealer button (denotes who's dealing)
  • Poker timer to time rounds
  • Snacks!

Actor Kevin Costner said in 'Field of Dreams,' 'if you build it, [they] will come.' So, now you need players. Typically, no more than eight to 10 people per table, and if you're new at this, start small with one or two tables. Decide on the entry fee for players, maybe $20 so it's affordable but still can generate a good payout. Assign the order of seating by having each player pick a card from ace through 10.

As the host, you have an important role. You set the start/finish times, and a courteous host sticks to these. You also decide the rules, payouts and formats played -- and you discuss them prior to play. Finally, you are judge and jury over disputes, bartender, waitress and the Master or Mistress of Ceremonies, responsible for a fun evening. Follow these tips and unlike Kenny Rogers, you'll have happy gamblers.

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  • Bannon, Alex. 'How to Host a Texas Holdem Tournament in 10 Easy Steps.' July 28, 2010. (Feb. 3, 2012). http://mytexasholdempokertips.com/tournaments/how-to-host-a-texas-holdem-tournament-in-10-easy-steps/
  • Bochan, Terry. 'How to Play Texas Hold'em.' About.com (Feb. 23, 2012) http://poker.about.com/od/poker101/ht/holdem101.htm
  • Burton, Bill. 'How to Run a Home Texas Hold'em Tournament.' About.com. (Feb. 6, 2012). http://casinogambling.about.com/od/poker/a/homepoker.htm
  • Dragon, Debra. 'Hosting a Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament at Home.' 2006. (Feb. 5, 201). http://www.blindbetpoker.com/tournaments/home-tournaments.html
  • FlopTurnRiver.com. 'Top 10 Poker Lingo Phrases & Origins.' (Feb. 6, 2012). http://www.flopturnriver.com/top-10-poker-lingo.php
  • Holdem On Net. 'Why is Texas Holdem So Popular?' (Feb. 4, 2012). http://www.holdemonnet.com/why-is-texas-holdem-so-popular.html
  • HomePokerGames.com. 'Home Poker Law.' (Feb. 3, 2012). http://www.homepokergames.com/homepokerlaw.php
  • Jackson, Lindsy. 'Why Texas Holdem Poker is so popular.' (Feb. 3, 2012). http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Why_Texas_Holdem_Poker_is_So_Popular.html
  • Poker.com. 'WSOP History - The History of the World Series of Poker.' (Feb. 3, 2012). http://www.poker.com/worldseriesofpoker/history.htm
  • Pokereagles.com'How to run a NL Texas Holdem Poker Tournament.' (Feb. 4, 2012). http://www.pokereagles.com/home-poker/tournament.php
  • Pokersyte.com. 'Texas Hold'em Poker: Hold'em Poker rules, strategy and how to play tips.' (Feb. 6, 2012). http://www.pokersyte.com/holdem.htm
  • Rules of Texas Holdem. 'How to host a home poker party.' (Februry 5, 2012). http://www.rules-texas-holdem.com/holdembasics/home-poker-party.shtml
  • Sportsbettingacumen.com. 'Fun Variations of Texas Hold'em for the Home Game.' (Feburary 5, 2012). http://www.sportsbettingacumen.com/poker-home-texas-holdem-variations.asp
  • TexasHoldem-Poker.com 'An Introduction to Texas Holdem Poker.' (Feb. 3, 2012). http://www.texasholdem-poker.com/beginnersintro
  • TexasHoldem-Poker.com 'How to Host a Home Poker Game.' (Feb. 3, 2012). http://www.texasholdem-poker.com/home-poker-tournament
  • TexasHoldemPoker101.com. 'Tips on Running a Texas Holdem Tournament.' (Feb. 5, 2012). http://www.texasholdempoker101.com/running-a-texas-holdem-tournament.html
  • Thatsthespirit.com. 'The No-Bluff Guide to Hosting a Poker Party.' (Feb. 3, 2012). http://www.thatsthespirit.com/en/entertaining/articles/poker.asp
  • TitanPoker.com. 'Why Texas Hold'em is so Popular.' (Feb. 4, 2012). http://www.titanpoker.com/games/texas-holdem/popular.html
  • TreasurePoker.com. 'Why is Hold'em Poker so Popular?' (Feb. 4, 2012). http://www.treasurepoker.com/articles/why-is-hold%e2%80%99em-poker-so-popular/

What are poker blinds ?

Based on the limit of the poker game the player to the left of the dealer’s button (small blind) and the player two to the left of the dealer (big blind) are required to place mandatory bets in the pot before cards are dealt (Small blind has to put half of the big blinds amount). These bets count toward the first round of betting. So if the pot is not raised pre-flop, small blind will only have to put half a bet to call and big blind has the option of raising or just checking.

In a poker tournament, blinds go up gradually. This is to ensure that the tournament finishes on a timely manner. (the higher the blinds get the more players tend to get eliminated).

Blinds usually go up after predetermined periods of time. (for example every 15 or 20 minutes).

Two main factors determine blind structure of the game:

  • Starting chip amount
  • How long you want the tournament to last.

Poker Blind Structure Tips

  • The first big blind should be 1/50 of the starting chip amount. (or the starting chip amount should be 50 times the starting big blind). So if everyone starts with 1000 in chips the first big blind should be 10/20.
  • Blind period is the time each blind lasts:
  • Typical tournament blind periods are 10, 15, 20, 30, or 60 minutes.
  • Blinds period should be the same for every blind.
  • The faster the blind period is the faster the tournament ends and the more luck involves. So it’s a good idea to have slightly longer blind periods at your house game. 15 or 20 minute blind periods are good choices. Blinds in online websites tend to go up faster. This is because online poker action is much faster than live poker.
  • Blinds typically double after each round. If the first big blind is 10/20, the next one should be 20/40.

Texas Holdem Tournament Rules On All In

Calculate Blind Structure

Follow these simple steps to create blind structure that best fits your game:

  • Decide your starting chip amount.
  • Divide it by 50. This should be your first big blind.
  • Make your final big blind (when the tournament should finish) equal to your starting chip amount.
  • Arrange the middle level blinds so that they gradually increase from your first big blind to the last one. It is best to keep the first couple blind periods low.
  • Add the period (times) together. If it seems too long takes couple levels off the chart, and if it seems short add couple level to the chart.

Home Poker Tournament Rules Texas Hold Em

Sample Tournament Blind Structure Chart

Following is a chart of recommended blind structures based on different starting chip stacks :

Home Texas Holdem Tournament Rules

Chip Stack